Modeling For Change

The Why

Believe me, I'm not walking the runway, nor in front of cameras. Different modeling. Buckminster Fuller was quoted as saying: "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete" {Beyond Civilization: Humanity's Next Great Adventure; by Daniel Quinn; 1999; p.137}

That kind of modeling.

(BTW, you may assume that anything original here is copyleft. Feel free to copy, embed, modify, or otherwise "run with it". Any quotes, I'll do my best to accurately attribute.)

or here, with a

then, proceed as you wish through corollary and supporting material, below.

Human Value The Art of Consultation Connections Battle Against Social Man
Problem with Direct Democracy Eliminate National Sovereignty Change Makers Dumbing Down Democracy
Living Aboard Disease of Nationalism Outdated Systems Problems with Democracy
Wealth and Survival The Opioid Crisis The New Economy Change
No Collusion Corporate Truth Education Integrity of the Individual
Transparency History of Borders Designing Ecological Settlements Rent as Theft
Charrettes and Regeneration Remote Learning Civic Optics Rights and Obligations
Lifebalance Accordant Serendipity Reading List Marketing Division
Mandates and Community Marketing Depression Home Ownership Presentation
Dream of Home Owning Important Distinctions Musings Deep State
Gun Problems Worms and Owners True Majority Bullying
True Progress Drug War Politics Won't Work Preventing Change
Abundance Bioregional Governance Law of Supply and Demand What Leads?
Electric Vehicles School Shootings

Email the modeling team.