"The New Economics Foundation has distilled the findings down to five simple acts that are proven to promote well-being: connecting to the people arounds us, being active in our bodies, taking notice of the world, learning new skills, and giving to others." (quote from Kate Raworth's "Donut Economics". )
The New Economics Foundation is involved in this sort of thing because it believes that the extent to which the economy allows us to do these things should be the measure of the success of the economy (rather than the pretty much meaningless GDP. As GDP is used as a measure, the money spent sending a child to camp is the same as the money spent treating the child's asthma caused by air pollution-GDP has no relationship to Humanity)
I would like to point out that all five of these acts are really about the same thing: connecting.
Connecting to the people around us, well...pretty much says it. That's the core.
Being active in our bodies makes us more aware of ourselves. Ourselves is defined by "otherness". A baby, playing with its hands and feet learns that somethings are its, while some things are outside of it. We define ourselves by our relationships with others. While current thinking tends to see that society is imposed upon the individual, it is actually the case that the individual is defined by society. By being active in our bodies, we are learning of otherness.
Taking notice of the world. I live on my boat, in a hostile environment (people don't breathe well in water). I have become very attuned to my environment, the sounds, the motions, the odors. This awareness of my environment becomes awareness of those around me, living the same. We rely upon each other for information (such as weather predictions, tips and tricks, etc) as well as for material means. The liveaboard/cruising community is vary much a sharing community. Everything I own is on my boat (about 200 square feet). I generally have everything I need, but on the rare occasion that I'm short of something, my neighbor is willing to lend me his, or his knowledge, or strength, and vice versa.
Learning new skills. A skill is simply the way we interact with the environment. Take learning to knit. It changes and makes us aware of how we interact with or connect with clothing. It changes how we interact or "connect" with sheep, perhaps. Developing a new skill quite often means making new human connections-that knitting class. A new skill changes how we think about things, teaches us new connections.
Giving to others. The thing that completes Humanity, the crux of human connections. "You do not belong to you. You belong to the universe. The significance of you will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume you are fulfilling your significance if you apply yourself to converting all you experience to highest advantage to others. Make the world work, for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation. without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone." (Buckminster Fuller)