Sacred Economics; Charles Eisenstein
Braiding Sweetgrass; Robin Wall Kimmerer
Donut Economy; Kate Raworth
Designing Regenerative Cultures; Daniel Christian Wahl
Thinking in Systems; Donnella H. Meadows
History of the World in 7 Cheap Things; Raj Patel and Jason W. Moore
Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth; Buckminster Fuller
Oneness vs the 1%; Vandana Shiva
Our Earth, Our Species, Our Selves; Ellen Moyer
Leading from the Emerging Future; Otto Scharmer and Katrin Kaufer
The Systems Thinker; Albert Rutherford
Cognitive Architecture; Ann Sussman and Justin B Hollander
Strong Towns; Charles L. Marohn
Tactical Urbanism; Mike Lydon and Anthony Garcia
Living on Island Time, All the Time; Kristen M. Miller
Ministry for the Future; Kim Stanley Robinson
Design Science Primer; Medard Gabel